Deborah Cole Photography

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All history scholars may remember from 5th grade world history the period in history which we call The Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was a series of events that occurred during the 16th century in the Christian Church. Because of corruption in the Catholic Church people were worn out and felt the need to change. Buying their way into power (or even Heaven) was not what the people felt was right.  This led to a split in the church into Catholics and various Protestant churches.

Today, it seems as though there may be a lot in life that globally, nationally and even individually has worn us out.  Worn us out to the point that during a time of “pause” such as the Covid 19 crisis many have come to consider that this may be a time of where re-formation is possible.  Admittedly we did not ask for this a pandemic.  Under no circumstances was any of it welcome: the illness, the death, the demands on our health care community as well as the first responders and essential personal.  Demands to the point of breaking.  Collapse, financial hurt, emotional chaos.  Effects of the trauma of spring 2020 will be long lasting.

But might there be a chance for a glimmer of reformation?  The Universe that only knows how to evolve toward the good, the better might be providing small cracks in our world where we might find a way to re-form a part of our individual existence.  Reform our businesses, our family life, our finances, our emotional health.  We may not know exactly what that looks like but being open to the possibility is enough.  Not to be certain. Not to know precisely. Just to be open. And curious.